Sunday, December 26, 2010

Super Nerdy Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Commentator

The lisp, raspy voice, and the fast talking make this guy one hell of an announcer! Dude sounds so into these matches that it actually is inspiring to see (or hear) someone so interested in what they do that they get this technical and excited about it. Nerds +1up.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mega man Sliced Open

Ever wondered what the inside of the blue boy with the blaster cannon looked like? here you go. Courtesy of Kotaku.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mortalk kombat - Sub-Zero Combo Trailer

Similar to the previous Scorpion trailer, but with less story and more ass kicking.

Mortalk kombat - Scorpion Trailer

These trailers are kind of campy but MK isn't known for winning Oscars, though.